Tokyo Day 3: Shopping!

Rest days are important. Especially after you’ve been racing around Tokyo for ramen noodles, sushi, and fried pork sandwiches for 2 days. Ow, my shoulder hurts… At least that’s what I told Wid when we finally left the hostel at 1:40 pm. What? I’m tired, okay?! Plus, my shoulder hurts bad… We started with lunch …

Tokyo: Day 2

Michelle on Facetime: “Wid, how do you like Tokyo?”Wid: “It smells bad.” Any good trip to Tokyo revolves around sushi. So we started the day with a search for the perfect salmon hand roll. We found it in a standing-only sushi bar in the Asakusa district. By 11:45 am, there was a 45 minute wait. …


Tokyo: Stimulation overload. Landed late, 11pm. Scrambled to catch the last(?) train to Ueno. Our Askakusa train had already shut down for the night. Had to ask 2 people and run up and down 2 separate flights of stairs before figuring it out. Fewf. In Ueno, we asked 3 people for directions to this cubby …

Machu Pichu Notes

To be a more consistent blog person — so I don’t forget the fun stories and to help with a little travel book I’m writing — here’s a simple bullet point “highlight” version of our 5 day Machu Pichu hike. (Michelle will most likely add photos later.) 5 days of hiking is fun and wears …

Since India

Insane Ferry to Airport Dash (Port Blair – Calcutta flight)  Arrived at airport with 20 minutes before departure. Caught the flight after sprinting through customs, security and the gate in 9 minutes!  Weekend in Bangkok Curry Dorian (stinky fruit) Dentist Australia Surfing Car camping Kanga-freakin-roos Breakfast in Melborne Tazmainia Mania! New Zealand Car Glamping Sheep, …

Varanasi, India

India is the worst amazing place on Earth. But once you get over the traffic, pollution, stench, smog, trash, cow shit, honking, haggling, crowds, mold, heat, and cow shit… you start to love it. For example, Michelle got hit by a scooter yesterday. She’s okay, and somehow escaped without a bruise, but the scooter driver …